September 98

First encounter was with Cordell Ramsay. Draegon learned that the Ramsays were watched and protected by Gods, But if the Ramsays had lost their innocence, The gods will turn their backs on them. Draegon knew he had to fool them. The first time, He attacked Cordell, using Gem's Body. This left Cordell quite confused. The second time, He was in Gem's little dragon form and he attacked Cordell again, But Cordell knew this wasn't Gem. He just ignored him. But Cordell was angry, when he learned that Draegon wanted to use Gem's body, to get close to the two Zodiac Dragons, the last of their species and kill them. Then frame Gem for it. Cordell knew the influence that Gem had on Dragons, since Gem was a dragonhealer at the time. He quickly yanked Draegon and ran to the lake, shoving him under... Draegon began suffocating. This was Draegon's chance, His chance to make Cordell lose the family's innocence. He left the body, Gem returning to it, only to find himself suffocating. Eventually Gem died and Cordell, with his knowledge, killed an innocent. But he did it for a reason. And this... was only the beginning for Draegon.......

Draegon was taunting Cordell, because the gods no longer protected him and because drowning didn't help. He told Cordell that he had no idea at what he was attempting to stop, and laughed at him for even trying. Draegon show him a vision.. Cordell saw himself as an old man, all shriveled up and crippled with age. And when he saw himself turn around, His eyes have been sewn shut. Draegon told him that his eyes were sewn shut because he saw a murder, the murder of his brother. Everyone dismissed the vision as fake, when Cordell passed away (In October).

October 98

After Cordell had passed away, His brother Jarred had arrived, To watch over Cordell's widow, Nissandra. He saw it was truly his duty, his family duty to take care of her since Cordell wasn't there to do it himself. He also came to perform the releasing of Cordell's spirit. It was a ceremony that was performed where they come from, to set the spirit free from the physical realm. Cordell wanted this to do this in a special way, to be released into The Gem Forest rather than into the ethers. It was so that he could watch over the forest and protect it. When Jarred was releasing Cordell's spirit, He received a great deal of Cordell's memories and had a period of confusion, where it was difficult to seperate Cordell's memories from his own. Jarred is psychic and he had the ability to talk to the dead, Therefore he was able to communicate with his brother, Cordell. Draegon thought all was lost, Because the Ramsays all lived in the land of Belamy. And he couldn't reach it. But Jarred had arrived here and Draegon got interested in him.

Nov/Dec/Jan 1999

The next few months, Draegon practically went dormant, He stayed hidden, watching the Ramsays. And sometimes, rarely, he would pop out to spar with Jarred. Sometimes they would last so long, they would wear each other out. But Draegon would always leave in time.

Feb 1999

Draegon decides it's time to make the Ramsay's have some children. Ever since Cordell got killed, Draegon sees visions of the Ramsays dying. He confronts Jarred, and tortures him. Even made Jarred pregnant, rushing the pregnancy to full term and making him go into labor. Angel of MercyDraven rushed to him, giving him a c section and delivering the baby, but she failed in taking the baby away because Draegon had a link to the baby. He took the child away. Draegon had met up with Jarred again to talk about the child. He let Jarred have the child, and Jarred named him Corbin. But because of problems and Jarred not able to protect his child, Draegon took Corbin away to the VNK.

March 1999

Draegon wanted Corbin to know Jarred as his father, and so he brought Corbin to see Jarred every now and then. Due to the aging effect of the VNK on children, the next time Jarred saw Corbin, the boy was already 2 years old. The time after that, Corbin was around four. Then Jarred went to Belamy to help Jorael defend the castle against Cyril Valkin, who had taken over the leftover forces of the mage Dominic. Draegon had brought Corbin to Jarred, letting him stay, but Jorael was upset about the bracelet Corbin was wearing because it linked Corbin to Draegon, making it possible for Draegon to enter the castle. So Jorael made Jarred and take the bracelet outside the castle and bury it, but while they were out, Jarred was captured by Cyril's men. Kyla was allowed to return to the castle with Cyril's demands.

April 1999

Draegon had interest in Jorael Ramsay and he snatched him when Jorael came to the edge of the Dark Enchanted Forest to return Corbin to Draegon. He took Jorael to his realm and "convinced" him to be with two ladies to make two babies. Jaedina and Sandira. They told Jorael that they would be killed if they failed in getting Jorael to get them pregnant. He had no choice... Two children came from this, Cessa Lynn and Lowell. Lowell is related to Draegon but Cessa is not. Because Draegon allowed Cessa to be completely unrelated to him, Jorael is very worried that Draegon has plans to take Cessa as a breeder. Having gotten what he wanted, Draegon threw Jorael out of the VNK, telling him that his soldiers had already taken Kyla.

May 1999

For the First time ever, Kyla is taken to the Kingdom and she meets Jaedina. The mother of Cessa. This is only the second time that Kyla has seen Draegon. Gem got worried and decided to set out on a quest to end Draegon once and for all. He sent Gik to deliver a note to Jorael, Only Jorael had tricked Gik into leading him to Gem. Both decided to go... They went to Jyre's mountains because Gem had heard this dragon could open a portal to ANY realm. They succeeded and entered, Only to find the VNK empty and dark. They knew Draegon had absorbed his kingdom for more power. Draegon took Jorael and had infused him with some of his new power and transforming him into a demon. He wanted Jorael to be the first guard of the new kingdom, and tried to overcome Jorael's will. Jorael did his best to resist, though he didn't exactly succeed. He still had to obey, but the only word he could speak was no, the last remnant of his resistance. Draegon ordered Jorael to take Gem away and torture him. So Jorael took Gem and chained him up in a room. He didn't want to hurt Gem, but the more he resisted, the more fury built up within him until he snapped and had to smash something. Gem tried to talk to Jorael, telling him to unchain him, Jorael was unable to get past the fury to do so. Eventually they succeeded, Jorael managing to direct his fury, and smashing the wall where the chain was attatched. By then, however, his fury was so great that Gem had to run for his life. Gem had slowly had to make Jorael trust him so that Gem could find the dragonblade sword that Jorael had gotten during the quest. Gem found the sword and gave it to Jorael, instructing him to kill Draegon with it. Jorael stabbed Draegon, but it didn't kill him. It forced Draegon to come apart, his new powers gone as his kingdom returned. Jorael still had the powers that were infused in him, still being demon. He was able to take his kids and leave.

June 1999

Kyla falls in love with Draegon, But is stunned to hear Draegon is sick. Draegon falls sick to a virus, Which is not surprising. Sometimes a virus will arise in the kingdom that he will catch, and ends up looking for a bloodline to integrate with his that makes him immune. Kyla asks to go with him, Draegon nodded and took her with him. But to make it not look like a kidnapping, he formed a home for Kyla outside of the kingdom so that she may come and leave as she wished. Jorael, (still demon, and recently returned from having been banished to hell), gets upset, and for revenge, he sneaks into the kingdom in one of Kyla's pockets while he was small and manages to go around impregnating Draegon's wives, only the ones who were willing.

July 1999

The 6 women have their babies, and Draegon could not be more satisfied. He took one child and absorbed it, managing to draw his powers from Jorael. Jorael becomes human once again, Draegon drags Jorael to Kyla and dumps him on the front steps. Kyla and Draegon agreed that if they wipe his memories, he will be normal. But Draegon punished Jorael by giving him spikes on his back for commiting a crime of sleeping with his wives. Draegon gives his title to Jorael since Draegon is getting sicker. Jorael was uncomfortable but took the title. He met the 6 women that he impregnated. But was very enraged when a few didn't take good care of their children. He met Aroeni and Synndi who loved their children. Thiawra and Levidia were banished, as well as Brooke who attempted to sell her child. Synndi and Aroeni took care of the 5 children, the last one stayed with his mother since Jorael saw no problem with Osila.

August 1999

Synndi and Jorael get close, Synndi tells Jorael personally about her wanting a family. Where she wanted all her children to be from one father, not a variety. In fact, her first child is Maxxeurs Ramsay. Synndi gets pregnant again, having Lydia. They are so proud of their children. But Synndi becomes pregnant AGAIN, and the fast growth of the realm is making her sick... so Jorael decides it's time to move out of the kingdom. First, there was a fight. splitting the house in half. Synndi and Jorael left with their two children. They went to Rael's hollow. but when Synndi found out the home belonged to someone else, she couldn't stay there... They called Kaechii to do a duplicate of the house in the VNK, adding 8 more rooms. Synndi had about a few thousand credits left and the house came. Jorael was curious and he found out the credits are what the women earns in the VNK. They aren't allowed to earn money, but they can use money to spend. They just have to get it from a guard they live with, If they do live with one. Jorael decides that Aroeni hadn't wanted to leave her familiar home, but was hurt and insulted when he didn't demand that she come too. So he said firmly to Aroeni that they all must live together. Aroeni followed, Only to have died since she left the realm and her disease continued at a normal rate.

September 1999

Draegon moves the realm. Jorael decided that the evil influence of his demon nature will hurt his family and left, turning himself over to Draegon. Draegon sent him to live in the sewers. Gem came looking for Jorael, but Draegon tried to have Gem taken away. Jorael tried to help Gem, but things only seemed to get worse, so when Gem was finally turned loose, Jorael went back into the sewers. Guards returned and took Gem, but this time Kaechii attacked Draegon, absorbing him. The kingdom suffered huge earthquakes and flooding. Gem tried to rescue Kyla, who had Kallak and Raelynn with her. They escaped and made their way home, though the kingdom is in a frightening state. Kaechii repaired the kingdom, bringing Kyla before him and telling her that she would be his new wife. He brought Jorael before him and sent him out of the kingdom, so Jorael left. Kaechii took Kyla to her home locked her in the house. Gem followed Jorael, and got Kahleth to come and talk to him. Kahleth threatened Jorael for neglecting his family. Jorael decided that the more he resisted his evil influence, the worse things got, so he went home. Servant had been missing, but showed up. Kaechii came and tried to take Servant away, but Jorael marked him, and Kaechii left. Kaechii got even by forcing Kyla to sleep with him, and getting her pregnant, designing the child to his own purposes. The VNK sped up the pregnancy and Kyla had the child very quickly, a yound demon son. Synndi went looking for Draegon, and Kaechii absorbed her. Jorael went looking for Synndi, and Kaechii absorbed him too. Due to Jorael's demon side, he did not forget who he was, and he found his grandfather in the alternate reality, Calisae. Calisae opened a portal cupboard that was given to him long ago. They all came back. Draegon took control back from Kaechii and put Kaechii in the dungeons.

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